
In digital electronics a Tristate allows a third output port in addition to the 0 and 1 logic levels.In similar process neither progressive nor full On, Tristate brings you into a new state of psychedelic dance music.

Tristate is the project formed by Georg H. & Markus H. from vienna, who both have been DJs and producing different types of music since 2005. After an creative break Georg and Markus joined forces again in 2014 to take the Tristate sound to the next level.

In that short period of time Tristate has been releasing music at the most recognisable labels in the psytrance scene including Iboga Records, IONO Music, Digital Om Productions, Techsafari Records, Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Hadra Records, Flow EV Records, Planet BEN while Constantly playing at austria’s largest psytrance indoor and open air events like Paradise Winter Festival, Flow Festival, Cosmic Space Disco and already played at some reputed international events like Y-Production Hungary, The Experience Thailand, SUN Festival the duo is already taking up the global dance floors with a Storm.

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